POV: You’re achieving your fitness goals

achieve your fitness goals

Change is something that is constant in everyone’s life. It happens cataclysmically (e.g. losing a job, birth of a new child, winning a lottery) and glacially (e.g. losing weight, learning a new skill, etc.) I was reflecting on this in the gym today as I realized, over the past year, I’ve gone from doing a […]

Get active to ward off the holiday blues

beat the holiday blues

This can be a time of year where holiday cheer is met with mixed emotions, uncomfortable situations and… for lack of a better term: the blues. Research has shown that simple physical activity – things like climbing stairs or taking a walk – has an immediate and measurable positive effect on your mental state. This […]

Are you cheating on your future self?

bedtime scrolling

Bedtime procrastination is a particularly damaging habit, as it can lead to poorer physical and mental health outcomes. Not only can it interfere with our daily lives, but it can also lead to long-term consequences. For example, not getting adequate rest can increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and even depression. Unfortunately, many people […]

How to get over the holiday blues

Get over the holiday blues

We’re already deep in the last month of the year. I’m guessing that you’re probably knee deep in holiday activities, end of year commitments, and (hopefully) good cheer. It seems like no matter what we do, this general chaos is impossible to avoid. But it’s also a time where it is easy to find ourselves […]

Will healthy habits really help you live longer?

Fit Old Man

It’s a valid question – if you’re already doing things like eating right and exercising, does it really make a difference in how long you can live? We’ve all heard stories about someone who eats bacon every day and smokes their entire life but still lives to be 93 , right? So why bother trying […]

What age should you get serious about your health?

What age should I get serious about my health?

The short answer is: Right now. Here’s a key reason why: People who study longevity have uncovered a phenomenon known as future time perspective. But basically, this phenomenon shows that the more time we perceive we have, the easier it is for us to ignore “bad health factors” like being overweight, having elevated inflammation levels […]