People probably like you more than you think

People like you more than you think

We all know how important it is to make a good impression and create strong social connections with the people we meet. Sadly, we often walk away from conversations and interactions feeling like we didn’t do a good job or simply weren’t liked by the other person. Happily, research by Erica Boothby has shown that […]

Will healthy habits really help you live longer?

Fit Old Man

It’s a valid question – if you’re already doing things like eating right and exercising, does it really make a difference in how long you can live? We’ve all heard stories about someone who eats bacon every day and smokes their entire life but still lives to be 93 , right? So why bother trying […]

How to achieve your New Year’s goals

Man success

Every New Year, people make the same lofty resolutions with such ambition that they almost sound like dreams instead of objectives. It’s innocent enough; after all, it’s exciting to think of the distinct version of ourselves we’ll become if these promises come true. The issue is that our ambitious goals often don’t pan out because […]

What age should you get serious about your health?

What age should I get serious about my health?

The short answer is: Right now. Here’s a key reason why: People who study longevity have uncovered a phenomenon known as future time perspective. But basically, this phenomenon shows that the more time we perceive we have, the easier it is for us to ignore “bad health factors” like being overweight, having elevated inflammation levels […]

Why clarifying your values is so important

values clarity

People around me are often seeking a higher emotional realm: from struggling to feeling stifled, to liberating themselves with all the possibilities that come with abundance and ease. Everyone has the potential to create positive change in their life. The key? Knowing what you value and using that as your north star when making decisions! […]

Are you living the life you’ve envisioned?

life of your dreams vision

Let me ask you this: when you started your day today, and you got out the door and started moving, did you have a clear idea of where you were going? And, I’m not talking about a clear idea about how to get to work, or get the kids to school, or show up at […]