The secret to happiness

secret to happiness

We often hope someone else gives us as an amazing holiday present! We search for something that will bring us joy. We long to create relationships or reunite with family in order to spread happiness throughout our lives – but what is it that fills this gap between where we are now and being truly […]

Do this to radically improve life satisfaction

appreciate daily blessings

We often strive to become rich or achieve some form of physical perfection. While these are admirable goals, they can also be difficult to reach and may take a great deal of time and energy. However, most people overlook the simple things in life that can bring true satisfaction and joy. Think about the everyday […]

Your quality of life depends on this one factor

quality of life choices

Let’s take a look at quality of life, it means something different to everyone! Some people dream of being able to explore faraway places, while others crave the intimacy and trustworthiness that comes with having close friends nearby. No matter what your idea is though, getting clear on exactly how you want to live will […]

The unexpected path to true freedom

giving back

Achieving true freedom in life isn’t just about acquiring things, money or control over one’s time. It also involves having the power to give back and make a positive impact on others’ lives! When we focus on helping each other grow and succeed, not only do our own opportunities open up – but it offers […]

The truth about what it takes to succeed

curiosity mindset

Ever wonder what it takes to have an awesome life? Many believe that entrepreneurial skills, professional development and relationships are all key parts of the equation. While these building blocks certainly play a role in achieving success and satisfaction, there’s something else at its core: having a curiosity mindset! Those who really make things happen […]

Three basic needs for creating successful relationships

3 basic need for successful relationships

Have you ever noticed how unresolved issues from our childhood can still influence the types of relationships we seek out as adults? It’s like our past experiences have paved a certain path for us and it takes some extra effort to turn in another direction. We all crave meaningful, positive connections that nourish our growth. […]