Relationship Goals 2024

man and woman showing affection as the woman kisses the man on the cheek

Are you truly happy, or are you ignoring critical signs in your relationship? Let’s face it – every relationship has its ups and downs, but how do you know if you’re just going through a tough time or if these are signs of a fundamental problem? Bustle points out that avoiding conflicts and feeling contempt […]

What Is Your Fitness Truth?

What is your fitness truth Jan 2024. Man doing a plank in a public park in the morning.

What’s YOUR fitness truth? Are you tired of fitness resolutions that vanish by February? It’s a new year, and everywhere you look, people are pledging to get in shape. But let’s talk about what really matters – not just the hype. According to, setting realistic goals is where most of us stumble. It’s not […]

Your Mental Health 2024

man stressed mental health issues

Ever thought about what ignoring your mental health is actually costing you? Could it be more than just a few bad days? Let’s face it – mental health isn’t just an ‘inner feeling’; it’s a crucial player in how you lead your life. Constellation Behavioral Health reveals that untreated mental illness in America isn’t just […]

Your Financial Freedom In 2024

Are you spinning your financial wheels but not getting anywhere? Is this the year you break free and finally achieve financial freedom? We know it starts with setting SMART financial goals – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. It’s not about vague dreams; it’s about concrete steps. Investopedia reminds us of the power of budgeting […]

How much money do you need to be happy?

Feeling stuck and unsure of how much money you need to make in order to be happy? Research suggests the mark sits between $100,000-120,000USD, but here’s something everyone can agree on: beyond a certain point happiness no longer increases, it might actually decrease for those who are really wealthy.Instead, focus on what it takes for you […]