Waking up in the morning is a blank slate and an opportunity to start fresh, so why not make the best of it? Implementing these 3 habits can really boost your happiness levels each new day:

1-Set your intention for the day: decide how you want to show up, what goals you’re aiming for and what kind of energy you wish to bring throughout this new day.

2-Instead of starting your day by reaching for the phone, try something different ; a special offline ritual! Why not get up and start moving with an energizing morning walk? Focusing away from technology will help center yourself into calmness before taking on whatever comes next.

3-Wake up already knowing what meetings you have to attend or tasks that need to be accomplished so you’re not left at the mercy of social media notifications or emails from others; YOU set the agenda. 

Make sure these habits become part of your daily routine for maximum success and happiness!

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